Is chasing money getting you down? Let us take the strains whilst maintaining and building your relationship with your customers.
Our approach to credit control is tailored to you and your business needs. We can take on as little or as much as you need, from one of jobs to regular reviews of your debtor’s ledger.
Are you chasing individual customers who you greatly value? in those cases Tax Bees will adopt a collaborative and reasonable approach.
Do you have persistent late payers who require a more assertive collection technique?
Do you have debts that look like they’re going bad that require some form of further escalation or legal action?
Give us a call and Tax Bees’ will chat through what your options are and how we can help.
We can also help with the following:
You work long hours for you business, so we work long hours:
There is on street parking available outside our office with a one hour waiting time.
Beaconsfield Street, adjacent to our building, offers a ten minute waiting time in the Residents Parking area.
It is possible to park in Waitrose opposite our office for up to two hours if you have made a purchase
Bee Hive House
30 Boughton
No Personal Information is stored on our website.
Emails via the contact form will be stored in the UK and used in response to an enquiry only. We never sell or share, and it wont be used for marketing purposes. The email will be deleted once the enquiry has been dealt with.
© TaxBees